[Home Volleybal BVMV Merksplas]
Volleybalclub BVMV Merksplas
21ste Jeugdvolleybalkamp
11-19 augustus 2016
De Populier - Zottegem

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12/08/2016 14:06:34

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12/08/2016 14:06:40

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12/08/2016 14:06:48

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12/08/2016 14:08:26

En koekjestaart maken!

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12/08/2016 14:08:30

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12/08/2016 14:08:51

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12/08/2016 14:09:09

Op tijd een beetje proeven.

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12/08/2016 14:09:13

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12/08/2016 14:30:26

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12/08/2016 14:44:44

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12/08/2016 14:44:57

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12/08/2016 14:45:23

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12/08/2016 15:43:32

Een lekkere appel als vieruurtje.

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12/08/2016 16:07:52

Knuppels en hoeden maken van krantenpapier.

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